The Montessori philosophy
Our objects have an added educational value
When designing our objects, we are inspired by several pedagogies including Montessori. Specially designed to accompany children in their first sound explorations, our creations are 100% musical and they are different from toys. With clean design, they are beautiful to look at but there is more to it ! Their design and shape have been specially studied so that the child can fully focus his attention on the sound.
Natural and quality material
Our objects are made by an artisan wood turner and that's why they have very beautiful finishes. They are made of natural, untreated French beech wood. This light wood presents variations in colour and grain, which means that each item is made of a natural material. Each one of our pieces is unique. What's more, handling the wood, this smooth, natural material, is a soothing sensory experience.
An aesthetic material
We attach great importance to the harmony of colours and shapes. Our design is contemporary, sober and even minimalist because we believe that children are entitled to something real, authentic and beautiful. Thus, we voluntarily ban animal shapes and multi-coloured decorations. There is no need to embellish when music is already sufficiently seductive !

“Une difficulté à la fois”
We have adopted this famous Montessori criterion which teaches us to isolate one difficulty at a time. When we create our objects, we opt for simple and pure shapes so that the child can focus entirely on the sound. The sound ball goes even further. Available in several patches, it stimulates the child's fine ear.
Active musical pedagogies
We have trained in several active musical pedagogies and we draw on all our knowledge.
Active musical pedagogies such as Dalcroze, Willems, Kodaly, ... are for us not only a source of inspiration but they also constitute a real added pedagogical value for our creations.. Our range will be enriched progressively.
Did you know ?
A child's musical development depends very much on his or her environment.
Innate musicality is very visible in toddlers. Musical skills such as a sense of rhythm, improvisation or singing are still very present. A baby who has fun typing with a spoon on the table, a toddler who starts dancing from the first notes of music, a child who sits spontaneously behind a piano and starts playing or singing when he feels like it,...
If we look closely at children, we see that they multiply sound experiments by exploring sound and musical gesture, however primitive they may seem. In fact, toddlers express themselves through music and are eager to be stimulated and then share this pleasure!
Providing children with sound objects or musical instruments, singing and dancing, making them listen to different styles of music,... all these elements strongly contribute to their musical development!