# 1
Eco-socio responsible company, 100% French manufacturing
NINA & MILES is above all a beautiful human adventure. We have carefully selected our partners, service providers and suppliers:
- Fabrication dans le Jura par des artisans tourneurs sur bois ;
- Untreated beech wood from sustainably managed French forests
- Corrugated cardboard packaging designed and manufactured in France by a company specialized in packaging for 25 years;
- Laser engraving by a company located in the department of Haute-Marne ;
- Balls for filling certain objects (shakers, maracas) manufactured in St. Etienne by a company founded in 1958 and European leader in the field;
- Vegetable seeds (for the filling of our sound balls) cultivated in France by a family company created in 1819 ;
- Bracelets to assemble claves made to measure in the Puy-de-Dôme department by a French company founded in 1859 and labeled "Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant" (Living Heritage Company).
- Certification to European standards EN 71-1, EN 71-2, EN 71-3 by a French laboratory located in Lyon ;
- Assemblage, conditionnement et expédition dans notre atelier à Paris, Montmartre.
- Only our bells (to toy standards) are manufactured in Germany by a family business founded in 1858.

# 3
Safety tested by a French laboratory
The security of our objects is paramount. We rigorously select the elements of which they are composed. From design to gluing and assembly, we take care of each step of production in order to guarantee optimal security.
All our products are tested and CE certified in France by a toy conformity testing laboratory.

# 2
Inspired by Montessori pedagogy
We take the first musical experimentations of toddlers and young children very seriously.Our range is inspired by several pedagogical criteria, some of which were established by Maria Montessori.
In addition, we are trained in Montessori pedagogy as well as in several active musical pedagogies. We are inspired by all our knowledge when designing our objects.

# 4
Beech from French forests
The wood we use comes from sustainably managed French forests. We use beech, a dense, light wood with a beautiful finish. Used for a long time for, among other things, the manufacture of domestic utensils, it is a healthy wood (absence of tannin) and therefore safe to put in the mouth.
Known under the scientific name Fagus Sylvatica, the beech is the most widespread tree in France after the oak. It is a very resistant wood and even stronger than oak!
Our objects highlight the beauty of wood. Chacune de nos pièces est unique.