Boule sonore | grand modèle ø 70 mm
Boule sonore | grand modèle ø 70 mmBoule sonore | grand modèle ø 70 mm
Boule sonore | grand modèle ø 70 mmSound ball | large model ø 70 mm
Cette jolie boule en bois au design épuré permet de développer le sens auditif et sensorimoteur de l’enfant. C’est un objet naturel qui invite à être secoué, roulé et exploré par tous les sens !
Nous avons imaginé cet objet afin de stimuler et développer les premiers gestes musicaux du tout-petit. Derrière le design minimaliste se cache avant tout un objectif pédagogique : décliné en plusieurs variantes, le timbre varie selon le remplissage mais la forme et le visuel de l’objet reste inchangé afin de répondre au fameux critère pédagogique "just one difficult element at a time" proposé par Maria Montessori. En manipulant l’objet et en jouant, l’enfant affinera ainsi son oreille fine, sa concentration se portant uniquement sur le son.
Discover the different tones :
Just like the cylinder shaker and the JINGLA rattle, this object refers to Montessori's geometric solids. Thus, by manipulating the sound ball, baby will learn about the geometry of volumes and develop his stereognosic sense*.
(*) To be able to recognize the shape and volume of objects.
Cylinder shaker
Cylinder shakerCylinder shaker
Cylinder shakerCylinder shaker
A small shaker that sounds like a big one.
At the slightest movement, this shaker will make a sound thanks to the many small balls inside. Thanks to its cylindrical and rounded shape, it is easy and pleasant to handle.
L’enfant prendra plaisir à le remuer spontanément au rythme de la musique, à suivre une pulsation régulière et à s’exprimer librement. Pour les tout-petits, le tourner et le bouger dans tous les sens consiste en un petit jeu d’exploration très amusant.
Claves in beech
Claves in beechClaves in beech
Claves in beechClaves in beech
Our claves are 100% made in France and they are real musical instruments ! Made of solid beech wood from sustainably managed French forests and quite thick, their sound is very clear and resonant.
These beautiful claves are perfect for small hands but not only. They will undoubtedly also be appreciated by adults and, above all, musicians!
As for the packaging, contrary to what is usually done, we are not wrapping them in plastic bags, but we have chosen a much more practical and durable solution. Each pair comes with two elastic straps to keep them together. Moreover, these bracelets have been custom-made by a French company founded in 1859 and labelled "Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant" (Living Heritage Company). Because that is also what our brand stands for: forging links with other French companies with whom we share the same values.